"I have to run the other way, or break into chorus!" -in response to the plethora of songs in Disney movies
"You can find Oz in the most boring of places...Bozeman."
"You never know who's going to be the whisker."
"Every story is a re-telling of another story, so we have to read the story behind the story."
"There is a mystery to some stories that is beyond the grasp of the rational mind." -posing a reason to why humans constantly reread and retell stories
"What are the chances that _________? 1 in 3!!"
"700 billion dollars?! That's more than I make in a year!"
"Just because whoever writes it doesn't know, doesn't mean it's not there." -about mythological motifs in literature
"Give kids closer to the original, even if somebody's heart gets stabbed out!"
"Wanna go hang out, Stiff?" -responding to the name, Stiff Thompson (motif index)
"All marriage is rape." -trying to play devil's advocate by using various definitions of "rape"
"Is your name Henry? (-no) Is your name Robert? (-no) Is your name John McCain? (no!) Is your name Rumpelstiltskin?" -adding a little of his own flair into a reading of Rumpelstiltskin
"Some of you might object that you cried into some blind person's eyes and it didn't work...but that's because you're suffering from misplaced concreteness." -responding to Rapunzel crying into the blind prince's eyes and curing him of his blindness
"Let that be a lesson to you. When you have pain and sorrow, you really need to get these hoops to put around you." -suffering from misplaced concreteness, himself, from the Frog Prince
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