The most common word used by that guy is "stupid," and it seems to describe him well. He is obviously not the brightest crayon in the box. Saying that Pullman's message is a lame pro-atheist soapbox is an extremely incorrect interpretation. Although some flowery scholars like to say that there is no such thing as an incorrect interpretation, this one is the best example I have ever found. Pullman's message is not one of anti-religion, but of anti-organized religion and all the superficial bullshit that comes with it. This guy is probably pre-med, or is at least not an English major because no English major would be stupid enough to only see the surface structure and plot of the book, and not peer a tiny bit deeper to the deep structure and themes that underlie this story. It is people like him who try to ban To Kill a Mockingbird because it is racist because it uses the word "nigger."
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